Any of our many custom-made items, such as a new set of torah covers, would be a fantastic way to raise funds for your temple. If you would like a new chuppah for your temple, we have ideas on how to raise the money to purchase one − while having a good time, as well!
“The Embracing Torah Lining”
A Meaningful Fundraising Plan
Have you noticed the need to refresh your sanctuary’s interior with new torah covers, but do not have the resources to do so? Then this new idea may be just the solution!
“The Embracing Torah Lining” is a wonderful and creative fundraising idea. You can give your congregation another way to feel closer to torah by having their names or personal messages printed on the inside of your new torah mantle’s lining.
Each congregant’s contribution can be as simple as a name listed on one line, or a detailed message of love and gratitude that extends over several lines. If you’re working this fundraiser with children or for a school’s project, drawings can also be incorporated onto the lining.
If needed, we can assist you in figuring out the suggested donation amount per line. We would determine this by factoring in how many torah covers are being made, how many members in your congregation, and the amount of funds needed.
You get to determine the layout, size of type, and font used for the project! You will give us the information in PDF format, and we will reproduce it exactly as written. By doing this, we can insure that no errors will be made. We can fit four 8 1⁄2 x 11 sheets per torah lining.